Sutanpu's genesis

Sutanpu is a Japanese word that comes from the English word "Stamp". If you want to look familiar with Japanese language :), pronounce it the Japanese way: "Sou - Tan - Peu".
In Japan, as in most Asian countries, the tradition of printed stamps is strongly established. In most places frequented (in particular stations, but also temples, gardens, museums, etc.), self-service stamps are available to visitors, foreign and local people.
Each stamp is specific to the place and unique in its design, format and color.
My eldest daughter's travel notebook
It was during a trip to Japan that the idea of applying the Sutanpu concept to France was born.
What if every remarkable place in France offered a free printed stamp, unique in design and color? Visitors would then enjoy collecting them both as a souvenir and as a proof of their visit.
Unlike in Japan, and rather than making them available in public places, French Sutanpu are offered at reception points (Tourist Office, museums, local shops): a pleasant and useful way to create a link between visitors and local guests!
And to meet all sensitivities, it is possible to collect Sutanpu stamps both in paper version (original concept) and in a digital version with a Smartphone application. The latter has the advantage of associating a photo of the place with each Sutanpu stamp, and of sharing its Sutanpu stamps on social networks with its communities.